A Message from 2024 - 2025 CFDDA President

Dr. Joseph Richardson
Homeruns, Heroes, and Our Own King of Pop
Greetings friends and colleagues. I am sitting here reflecting on the last year and find myself conflicted about what to say in my final “president’s message.” There is much and summarizing my year as president of the central district is well … perhaps too lengthy and exciting for this journal entry. However, I am never at a loss for words, so I will highlight the absolute homeruns of the year in our association.
CFDDA Annual Meeting: This meeting will be May 2-3, 2025, at the amazing Hammock Beach Resort in Palm Coast. This year’s meeting evolved out of my fear of organizing a poorly attended, drab meeting. As a periodontist, I have always struggled with CE meetings. Rarely do these meetings have something for everyone (especially periodontists). Fortunately, within our ranks we have the “King of Pop” of the organizational dental meetings world. Dr. Bert Hughes was instrumental in transforming the annual FDA meeting into its current juggernaut status as one of the finest dental meetings in America that even outperforms the ADA meeting. Bert and his star studded planning committee have again transformed our annual meeting into what I am predicting will be the regional meeting of the year in the state of Florida. Flip forwards a few pages and you will see what I mean. The venue is incredible with amenities and the curriculum is oozing with excellence. Choose the educational track that is best suited to you and your staff. The meeting is no charge for CFDDA members and $25.00 for staff. Register today and let us blow your mind.
FDA Foundation Mission of Mercy: Admittedly, I did not intentionally volunteer to co-chair the FLA-MOM and become central district president in the same year. I am, however, extraordinarily happy that I did. If my true organized dentistry heart belongs anywhere, it belongs with the mission of mercy. I have played a role in the execution of this event for the last several years, and what a machine of good this event is. Co-chairing this event and working with the Foundation’s leadership has been such an honor. As I write this, we are mere days aways from the event and cannot thank our team enough. We brought the Florida Mission of Mercy back to Central District for its 10th anniversary and we are going to impact this community in a way that will make waves for years to come. The hearts of the dental community are infinitely large and by the time this commentary is published it will be wildly appreciated by the Daytona Beach community. A formal thanks to Bert Hughes, Kristen Badeau, and R. Jai Gillum for unwavering strength, leadership, and patience.
CFDDA Affiliate Dental Associations: I had the opportunity to visit all six affiliate dental associations of the central district. I had the great pleasure of reviewing a breakdown of the tripartite as well as the many membership benefits of the Florida Dental Association. Certainly, being an ambassador for the FDA is an honor, but attending each of these meetings was truly special. Here are some of the highlights.
The Lake County Dental Association is my home affiliate. I grew up in Lake County and know/work professionally with most in this room. We are a small but mighty group. We have so many leaders that it is difficult to ascertain who the actual president is (it is Dr. Summer Young by the way). We have other organized dentistry giants such as FDA Speaker of the House, Dr. Don Ilkka and FDA/BOD great Dr. Wade Winker who alongside others fought to keep our local water fluoridated. This meeting was special because in addition to representing the Central District, I was able to ask my friends to join me at the Mission of Mercy.
The Volusia County Dental Association meeting was special because it took place less than a mile from Mainland High School where the Florida Mission of Mercy took place. I was able to have multiple leaders speak to their group about the program and their incredible efforts that have set a new standard for fundraising for this event. Dr. Rod MacIntyre, Dr. Oscar Morejon, Dr. Bruce Manne, and Dr. David Lloyd have gone above and beyond. Finally, this meeting was special because my father put on nice clothes and came to watch. Everyone greeted him and made effort to speak with him. The Marion County Dental Association was organized and well attended. Dr. Suzi Thiems-Heflin and Dr. Monique Belin continued to lead the way they do locally and nationally. It was an honor to see them in action. It was great to see such a well-run business meeting in addition to the CE component of the meeting.
The Alachua County Dental Association meeting was the night following the Marion County meeting. This organization is near to my heart as I was able to see many of my former professors from the UF College of Dentistry. Again (common theme here), very strong leadership in attendance and many younger future leaders such as ACDA president, Dr. Cara Hill and Dr. Paul D. Martin. In addition, Dr. Karin Schey lectured to the group and represented the UFCD Department of Periodontology.
The Brevard County Dental Association meeting almost didn’t happen for me. I had an emergency at my office and spoke to the group in my scrubs. Warm and friendly faces such as Dr. Craig Kara and Dr. Jerry Bird welcomed me and helped promote the FDA. Most groups listen to my talk, this group participated, and it was wildly appreciated! This group was so well-attended and fun that I am considering attending future meetings as well!
The Dental Society of Greater Orlando was my last stop on the affiliate tour. I am also a member of this association because I have a second office in Winter Park. I had so many friends in this room that it is difficult to thank or recognize them all. Dr. ArNelle Wright led the meeting beautifully and Dr. John Cordoba heckled me from the audience. It is quite a spectacle to see a room full of dentists participating in organized dentistry. I have always been welcomed in this room, and it was a special night indeed.
Marlinda Fulton: One of the finest honors I have as president this year is to congratulate Marlinda on a masterful tenure as our executive director over the last 11 years. I met Marlinda when I was a perio resident at UFCD and she served as the executive director for the Florida Association of Periodontists. If you have met Marlinda, you do not need me to tell you what a kind, friendly, and truly great asset she has been to our organization. She is leaving our dental association in better shape than it was found and deserves an unquantifiable amount of praise and appreciation. Please find it in your day to reach out and say thank you for her years of dedication and service to organized dentistry and the members of the Central Florida District Dental Association.
Finally, I would like to say one last thank you to the members of the Central District for trusting me to represent you. It has been an honor, and I am walking out proud of what we have all achieved and look forward to playing additional leadership roles moving forward. To the younger dentists, I assure you that I am nothing more than someone who cares about the industry I love and its future. Every one of you has the same potential to become a leader. All you have to do is raise your hand and I assure you someone will be there to lead the way.
Joseph P. Richardson, D.M.D., M.S.
2024-2025 CFDDA President